I prefer a Rat and a Dog!

I... Amelia... prefer a rat because rats like this one and below are cuddly, nice rats. This rat is not mine... But i can tell this a nice and cuddly rat. If you have really bad allergies to rodents, a rat is not the est thing for you. :0

I... Amelia... prefer a dog because they are a active pet.  Yes you can get a dog if you want... if you have one good for you! If you don't that's Okay! Now, rats are active too but not as active as dogs.  Plus some dogs live in a cage...
a rat lives in a cage, so your dog can jump on the couch with you... if your dog is allowed to do that.
Take a look see at the dog pics below the rat pic.

Another rat pic!


     Pics of Dogs!                            
